Ironically, can you believe that I am at a loss for words? However I describe it, words fall short to capture how I felt during the book signing on March 14th in Miami. It was like no other day before, no other sensation I’ve experienced so far. I was surrounded by kindred spirits and the heart connection in the room was palpating. There were many new faces and far more familiar ones who nearly brought me to tears.

Each time I looked up there was another close connection dear to my heart. So much so, that I felt like jumping out of my seat in delight! With a full house, my heart felt so much gratitude for those who patiently stood for nearly an hour, even in the hallway.
The way I see it, the book is not an accomplishment of my own making, but truly one in which so many of you have contributed over the years. Many of you who were present have been with me for almost a decade, as clients, students or colleagues. Others as friends and family. Those of you who couldn't attend, you were so dearly missed. Over the years, many of you have asked me for literature about Biomagnetism. Frustrated with the lack of literature in English, I knew one day I would need to help bridge that gap.
If you've been with me for some time, you have seen me and my practice morphe. Those who are newer to Biomagnetism, the connection is no less significant. So many of you have sent your loved ones my way. You have advocated in your own circles. You are believers in the work because it has touched your life in profound ways, as it has mine. This book is about your experiences and my own. It is about us. About our collective journey to healing. The book signing was a celebration of the expansion of the work, knowing that "Beyond the White Coat: A Return to Earth's Medicine" has the potential to reach many more lives for years to come! I invite you to read it and I hope you enjoy it. May it serve its purpose.
If you would like to obtain a copy. please visit my author's page on Amazon:
If you have already obtained a copy, thank you for joining me on this new chapter of our work together. If you could, once you've read a few chapters, I would really appreciate your honest review on Amazon.
Blessings always,
Gaya Stepanian
The Magnet Lady.